BPMN Method and Style Virtual Classroom - Jan 25-28

I know many of you are planning to put learning BPMN at the top of your 2010 resolutions list. Well, if you're not, you should be! Travel is hard these days, but you're in luck. I'm going to be offering my BPMN training in a virtual classroom format - live, interactive, delivered over the Internet, starting in January. The first public class will be January 25-28, 2010. That's Monday through Thursday, 4 hours a day. Right now I'm planning 8am-noon Pacific time (11am-3pm ET), but that's not final.

It's going to have everything you get in the live BPMessentials classroom version, same course content, including hands-on in-class exercises using Process Modeler for Visio from itp commerce and post-class certification exercises with individualized feedback. It is based on the Level 1 and Level 2 methodology from my book BPMN Method and Style and the new BPMN 2.0 standard.

The delivery platform is iLinc, which is similar to Acrobat Connect but I think with some better e-learning features. Students will be able to ask questions via audio or chat. I can "glimpse" at student desktops to help out with the in-class exercises, or even share student desktops with the whole class. And the whole session can be recorded for later playback. I'm really excited about it.

You can sign up by credit card or PO -- I'm still working to set up the payment processor account. If you're interested, contact me to discuss pricing and other details. I'll be doing private classes (best for 10 or more from one company) as well as the public.