I’m trying to decipher Cordys chief strategist Jon Pyke’s post today on the case management proposal at OMG.  It’s hard to tell what he’s saying, but I gather things did not go well in Costa Rica.  I could have told him that, based on the bmi thread beforehand.  He casts as the villain “analysts and consultants

[who] do an excellent job of commenting upon products or suggesting ways to take them to market or advising on market trends [but who should not be] vehicles for developing standards.” 

I hope he’s not talking about me, but I don’t know of any other analysts who are even thinking about case management or discussing any OMG efforts in that area.  If so, I think the blame is misplaced, since if anything I am a supporter of standardizing a notation for case management and integrating it with BPMN.  Probably one of the few friends Cordys has in that regard…

I do think the OMG process is an unlikely one for case management.  But just because I’ve given up on it before it starts doesn’t mean I am trying to “scupper” it (whatever that is… sounds bad).  Anyway, BPM analysts are hardly the ones driving the boat at OMG.  I wish!  My BPMN 2.0 experience has taught me that the real battle there is between the “architects,”  UML/metamodel people stuck in the 20th-century paradigm of models that can be compiled into any programming language, and the “engine vendors,” who want models that roundtrip with metadata-driven (code-less) implementation design.  Preferably consistent with their existing engine architecture.  I have more sympathy with the latter, but I have to say that neither one is especially concerned with notation per se, i.e., diagrams that are expressive but lack executable detail. 

I wish the Cordys guys well in their quixotic OMG adventure, but I think an informal process in which participants share the basic objective and ground rules – notation-centric, non-executable, xsd-not-UML, linked to BPMN 2.0 – is more likely to achieve something than a formal process in which half the participants never liked BPMN in the first place.  If Henk and Jon get tired of spinning their wheels in OMG, I would welcome their ideas in another forum.