Bruce Silver Associates

Bruce Silver Associates has been in business since 1994, providing consulting, training, industry analysis, and publishing focused on business process management and, more recently, decision management. Today our work is primarily training end user organizations on process modeling with BPMN and decision modeling with DMN using the Method and Style approach. Our work with BPM technology vendors includes producing reports and videos, speaking at user events, and consulting on product capabilities and positioning., this website, provides access to BPMN and DMN training and tools, as well as news and commentary on process and decision modeling.

Cody-Cassidy Press, owned by Bruce Silver Associates, is the publisher of BPMN Method and Style (in English, German, and Spanish editions), The BPI Blueprint by Shelley Sweet, and (soon) DMN Method and Style.

Bruce Silver’ s Bio

I am a consultant, trainer, and author focused on business process modeling and decision modeling. I am also founder and principal of, the leading worldwide provider of BPMN training and certification. I served on the BPMN 2.0 task force in OMG and am the author of BPMN Method & Style, now in second edition and available in English, German, Japanese, and Spanish. I have a new book BPMN Quick and Easy Using Method & Style available soon. I have been heavily involved in putting together the new decision modeling standard, serving on the DMN Revision Task Force in OMG and TCK working group. My book DMN Method and Style tries to do for decision modeling what BPMN Method and Style did for process modeling. Also, together with Nathaniel Palmer I host an exciting annual event, bpmNEXT, a showcase of the next generation of BPM-related technology.

Prior to starting Bruce Silver Associates in 1994, I was Vice President in charge of workflow and document management research at BIS Strategic Decisions (which became Giga Information Group, now part of Forrester Research). I served on the board of directors of Captiva Software from 1995 until it was acquired by EMC in 2006. In the 1980s, I was a principal developer of Wang’s WIIS document imaging system and Wang Office Fax Gateway. I worked on digital still cameras in the early 1980s at Polaroid… way before its time. I hold Physics degrees from Princeton (AB, Phi Beta Kappa) and MIT (PhD), and four patents in electronic imaging.

My hobbies are cycling, gardening, and photography. After 27 years in Boston and then 15 in the redwoods of Santa Cruz, I’ve moved to Los Angeles in 2013. The weather’s good all year long, and I’m finally getting used to the roar of the leaf-blowers. An avid photographer for 35 years, I studied under Minor White at MIT in the 1970s. No longer lugging that 4×5 view camera, I work now with my DSLR, always trying to get better.

I’ve managed to stay married to my first wife Junell for 35 years. We have two grown children, and grandchildren Maia, Kira, and Ryder. My wife and I remain big-time Boston sports fans – Red Sox, Pats, Celtics. Trying to get into the Dodgers, Clippers, and Rams. It’s not so easy.