
CMMN Method and Style - Part 2

Last month I provided a brief overview of the Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) standard. As it does for BPMN, Method and Style provides CMMN with additional diagrammatic conventions aimed at making the logic understandable from the printed diagrams alone. These conventions are formulated as "style rules" that can be applied as validation in a CMMN tool, such as Trisotech Case Modeler. As described in that post, CMMN's event-condition-action (ECA) style defines through declarative logic flexible patterns of case behavior that can be fully automated on a CMMN engine.

Announcing CMMN Method and Style

They said it would never happen, but it has. CMMN Method and Style is now available. Here are the Table of Contents and Preface. Table of Contents Preface. v Method and Style. vi BPMN Method and Style. vi CMMN Method and Style. vii Structure of the Book. vii Acknowledgments ix 1. What Is CMMN?. 1 What Is Case Management?. 1 Applications of Case Management. 2 Evolution of Case Management. 3 CMMN Overview.

CMMN Method and Style - Part 1

Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) is the poor stepchild of process modeling standards. It was developed a decade ago, around the same time as BPMN 2.0 and largely as a reaction to it by vendors who believed that "real" business processes were about knowledge workers interpreting documents, not web services orchestration following rigid rules. In case management, the order of actions typically cannot be precisely defined at design time, and many different things happen concurrently.