Our Training Services

We provide training and certification in business process modeling (BPMN) and business decision modeling (DMN). Unlike most training providers, our goal is not to tease you into a consulting engagement, but to empower your team to perform professional-grade business modeling yourselves: not just the basic shapes and symbols but a modeling methodology and stylistic conventions: Method and Style. We provide students with world-class BPMN and DMN tools for use in both in-class exercises and post-class certification. It is in the 60-day certification period following the class that students become proficient.

Students have 60-days from purchase to complete the course material and certification.

BPMN Training and Certification

This course teaches business users how to create models that communicate the process logic clearly, correctly, and consistently using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard.

DMN Training and Certification

This course teaches business users how to create models that communicate the process logic clearly, correctly, and consistently using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard.

Business Automation Training and Certification

This course teaches business users how to create models that communicate the process logic clearly, correctly, and consistently using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard.