BPMN Method and Style Book Kindle Edition

I fretted about this for weeks but I finally pulled the trigger. My book BPMN Method and Style is now available as a Kindle ebook, compatible with Kindle, Kindle Fire, Kindle for iPad, or Kindle for PC. I got a lot of requests for this, especially international, so we'll see if there is a market for it or not. I worked hard on the graphics. In the end there is only so much you can do with them in Kindle format. They are readable, but you need good eyes for a few. Also, Kindle isn't the greatest format for a reference book when you want to flip immediately to a particular section. The table of contents at the beginning has links down to the Heading3 level... that's the best I could do. Maybe the best thing about the Kindle edition is the price - $9.99. I notice that the other BPMN books on Kindle have much higher prices, but since Amazon's author royalty drops by 50% when you price above $9.99, it didn't seem worth it to charge $25. So... enjoy it at the low price. If you have the paperback, hey, buy the Kindle version as well and keep it on your iPad so you don't have to tote the book around.

On the Amazon site, the paper and Kindle editions are not linked. This is supposed to happen in around 2 weeks automatically. We'll see... Here's the link to the book in the Kindle store.