BPMN Method and Style Training September 5-7

Summer will be over soon, and time to get back to work. Start the season off right by sharpening your process modeling skills. The next BPMN Method and Style live-online class is September 5-7 from 11am to 4pm ET (that's 5pm to 10pm in Europe) each day. You'll learn how to create business process models that are ...

  • Correct, according to the BPMN 2.0 standard
  • Clear, revealing the process logic unambiguously from the diagram alone
  • Complete, exposing at a glance how the process starts, its possible end states, what the instance represents, and its interactions with the customer, service providers, and other processes
  • Consistently structured, so that given the same set of facts about how the process works, all modelers will create more or less the same diagram
People sometimes say that BPMN is "too hard," but learning to use it correctly requires no technical knowledge, just a disciplined approach and attention to detail. We step you through the vocabulary of BPMN, beginning with Level 1, a basic working set of shapes mostly familiar from traditional flowcharting, and moving on to Level 2, with an emphasis on the use of Timer, Message, and Error events to model exception handling. We also provide a methodology and additional modeling conventions called "style rules" that make the modeler's intended meaning clear from the printed diagram. At the end of the class you will have learned everything you need in order to create "good BPMN" on a consistent basis.

Just like learning any language, the "labs" are critically important. In class we use a BPMN tool, Process Modeler for Visio from itp commerce. We provide it for use both in the in-class exercises and in the post-class certification exercise. The training is about the standard, not the tool, but this tool is nice because it has Method and Style validation built in, so you can click one button and see not only violations of the spec but style rule errors as well. The course includes post-class certification, which is based on passing an online exam followed by successful completion of a mail-in exercise that I review personally. The student may have to iterate once or twice to have their submission accepted... but this is where they really learn BPMN. We've certified over 600 professionals in BPMN Method and Style, and the list keeps growing.

The live-online format is interactive, delivered over the web. That's nice because you (and I) don't have to get on an airplane. In addition to the class presentation and discussion in the browser window, you'll have Visio with the BPMN add-in open in another window.

We still have space left in the September class. The price is $1095 per student, $995 each with 5-9, or $895 for 10+. Get your whole team on board with BPMN. That's the best way to ensure that your hundreds of hours invested in process modeling result in diagrams that are correct, clear, complete, and consistent... in other words, that can actually be shared across the organization. Process modeling is not an exercise in creative expression. It's about creating diagrams that communicate the process logic clearly to anyone looking at them. That's what we provide.

Click here to register by credit card, or contact me to register by PO or to get further details.