BPMN Training at Gartner - After the Fact

After 3 days of "what is it?" and "where it's going" and "how great it's gonna be," attendees at the Gartner BPM Summit this week finally got to hear "how to do it" on the afternoon of the last day. Normally only a few diehards stick around to the bitter end, and I guess you can't blame Gartner for giving this slot to the outside consultants. Also, I had to compete with 4 other How-To sessions from topnotch guys like Paul Harmon and Tom Debevoise. But I have to tell you, the room was packed - over 120 people - to hear my mini-version of the Process Modeling with BPMN training course, and there were lots of great questions from the audience.

People get BPM, what it means, what it can do for them. Clearly the need now is training and education on how to do it.