DMN Advanced Training Now Available

Earlier this year I launched my DMN Method and Style Basics training and certification, based on the Trisotech DMN Modeler with RedHat Drools 7.0 execution built in. That class covers decomposition of the Decision Requirements Diagram and modeling of decision tables, which form the heart of end-to-end decision modeling. But real-world decisions often involve logic that you cannot model with decision tables alone. You need value expressions including functions to handle text, numbers, dates and times, lists and tables. You need to be able to create reusable bits of decision logic, and to be able to reuse those bits created by others in your organization. You need to be able to perform table queries and joins, iteration over lists, and calendar arithmetic. And you need a way to make all that accessible to business users, not programmers. DMN provides all of that, and the DMN Advanced training, just launched, shows you how to use it.

Like DMN Basics, DMN Advanced is web/on-demand and uses the Trisotech DMN Modeler with Drools execution built in. While any number of tools are available to handle basic DRDs and decision tables, this one is the first to support DMN Conformance Level 3, including full support for the FEEL expression language, all of the boxed expression types, all of it executable. Students have 60-day access to the tool in my workspace in order to complete the training and post-class certification. The training is loaded with in-class exercises, some easy some hard. There are quizzes at the end of each part, and a final exam that students must pass as Step 1 of certification. Step 2 is submission of a mail-in decision model containing certain required elements, with iterated improvement of the model until it is perfect. Creating real executable decision models is the only way to really learn DMN.

Here is an outline of the class:

  1. Introduction and Overview: DMN as a Decision Language - Explains why DMN requires more than decision tables, and how DMN makes real-world executable decision modeling accessible to business users
  2. Literal Expressions Using FEEL - Focus on basic FEEL operators and built-in string and number functions
  3. Business Knowledge Models - The value of BKMs as reusable user-defined functions, and how to use BKMs created by others
  4. Contexts - How these boxed expressions simplify complex decision logic
  5. Calendar Arithmetic - How to work with dates, times, and durations in FEEL expressions
  6. List and Table Basics - Creating lists, FEEL list functions, and table lookup using filter expressions
  7. Advanced List and Table Handling - Advanced topics including iteration, joins, and recursion
  8. Certification Procedures - How to prepare for certification, and details of the certification exercise
DMN Advanced is a follow-on to DMN Basics and it assumes you have taken that class. The normal price for each class is $695, including 60-day use of the Trisotech tool in my workspace and post-class certification. But as a launch promotion, until July 31 I am offering both DMN Basics and DMN Advanced for a combined price of $795. Effectively that is a price of $100 for DMN Advanced. This promotion won't last, so take advantage of it while you can. If you want to get a taste of DMN Basics and the Trisotech DMN Modeler for free, just go to Register for the free trial and access the DMN Basics Overview and Part 1 directly from the tool. What could be easier?