Free Training! Process Mapping 101 with Blueworks Live

With the recent launch of Blueworks Live, IBM has posted an updated version of a set of training videos called Process Mapping 101. Together with colleague Shelley Sweet of I4 Process, I created the original set for Lombardi back in 2008 , and the new version updates it to Blueworks Live. This one doesn't focus so much on proper BPMN method and style (although I had to sneak in a little at the end), but rather how to get started using process modeling: how to organize the project, the roles involved in the core process improvement team, and the steps along the way. The videos emphasize the roles of the Project Lead and the Facilitator, and uses simulated group sessions to illustrate how to build a high level discovery map and then how to refine it in the form of BPMN swimlane diagrams. There are lots of exercises built in, so you can use Blueworks Live to capture information from the group sessions in the tool, and add details for later analysis. There are 6 videos totaling 2 hours, not counting the exercises. Click here to see the videos.