New BPMN Virtual Classroom in July

Interest in BPM training and certification is accelerating, and being able to understand and create BPMN process models has become a critical foundation skill. We've set the dates for the next 3-day virtual classroom: July 11, 12, and 13 from 11am-4pm ET (8am-1pm PT, or 5pm-10pm Europe time). Check out Sandy Kemsley's review of the last one. [Note: I'm tweaking the content, based on some of her comments. The next one will be the best yet!] The price is $1095 for 1, $995 for 5, and $895 for 10.

A number of folks are jumping into the BPM training business, but our BPMN course is still the gold standard, the "real thing." What's the difference?

  • The real thing shows you which BPMN 2.0 elements are the ones you need to know, and which you can ignore. The others do not.
  • The real thing provides a methodology for turning a blank page into a complete BPMN model - clear, consistent, and shareable between business and IT. The others have no clue.
  • The real thing provides style rules that ensure your process model is readily understood from the diagram alone... and shows you how to validate your models against those rules using a special version of the BPMN tool. The Method and Style approach and the validation tool belong to me, so the others can't offer it.
  • The real thing offers post-class certification of BPMN proficiency, based on an online exam and a modeling exercise that I review personally. The others don't verify that you really understand how to use BPMN correctly and effectively.
  • The real thing is taught by a BPMN expert. Don't learn BPMN from a guy who read a book; learn it from the guy who wrote the book.
  • The real thing - live online July 11-13 - costs $895-1095 (based on number you are signing up), including the software tool and post-class certification. The others charge $1790 (plus travel expense), with no certification.
So, if you were thinking about getting trained in BPMN, you can either get the real thing, or the not-real thing. It's not that hard to figure out. Click here to register, or contact me directly for more info.