I have run across 5 BPMS vendors interested in my BPMN-I work: Activiti, BonitaSoft, Oracle, SAP, and IBM. Of the five, BonitaSoft is so far the most successful in actually implementing BPMN 2.0-based model interchange. Not only that, they are the only one so far that has implemented any of my suggestions for conforming to the xsd and BPMN-I.
Here's an example. I created the following diagram in itp commerce Process Modeler for Visio:
That's the top level diagram. Here is the expansion of Sub1 on a child-level page:
itp's BPMN 2.0 export wasn't perfect. Here is the BPMN-I profile report:
After I fixed these errors in XMLSpy, I imported into pre-release BonitaSoft 5.5. It looks like this:
No, it isn't perfect, but it's better than any other tool I have seen so far. What couldn't it handle?
- Pools and lanes
- Message flows
- Subprocess converted to Call activity
- Boundary events on subprocess
- Event gateway converted to XOR gateway
- Loop marker on task
- Non-interrupting boundary event converted to interrupting
- Multiple pages converted to a single page