Updated BPMN Training and Certification April 22-24

We are about to launch version 6 of our BPMessentials BPMN Method and Style training across all delivery channels: live-online, live onsite, and web on-demand. The next live-online class, April 22-24, will be v6, and the web on-demand version should launch by the end of March. The new version of the training takes advantage of the new Process Modeler 6 from itp commerce, including the native model repository and the BPMN Element Ribbon in Visio. The v6 training continues the basic outline and approach of the earlier versions. In addition to learning the shapes and symbols of BPMN Level 1 and Level 2, we provide a step by step methodology for creating properly structured, easily readable, and informative BPMN 2.0 diagrams. We also present the elements of "BPMN style", rules of model composition and element usage that make the meaning of the process logic clear from the printed diagram alone.

The new version of the training expands the discussion of BPMN's most fundamental concepts - activity, process, and instance. BPMN has very specific meanings for those terms, which are used more broadly in other parts of BPM, but unfortunately the spec fails to explain that. This is a major source of structural problems in many BPMN diagrams, but you will learn how to avoid those problems in this class.

Another new topic is the use of event subprocesses. They are outside of the Level 2 palette, which is why we have omitted them in the past, but event subprocesses turn out to be really useful for things like global message and error handlers, non-interrupting timeouts, and other common patterns that can be modeled using boundary events, but less elegantly.

Reusable subprocesses - call activities linked to independently defined processes - get more attention in the new training, mainly because the linking mechanics are much simpler now in the tool using the built-in model repository than it was with the old filesystem linking. This is an incredibly important concept in real-world process modeling that receives almost no attention from most tools and BPMN training.

The April live-online class runs from 11am-4pm ET, or 5pm-10pm CET. The price is $1095 (1-4), $995 (5-9), or $895 (10+). It includes 60-day use of the Process Modeler for Visio tool and post-class certification. Our certification is based on an online multiple choice exam and a mail-in exercise that I personally review. The student must continue to correct it until it is perfect. Over 675 students from all over the world have been certified to date.

Click here for more information about the live-online training, including other dates in 2013, or click here to sign up for the class.