
Why Does DMN Have BKMs?

Newcomers to DMN may wonder, What is the point of Business Knowledge Models (BKMs), those funny-looking boxes with clipped corners in the DRD? When I was first introduced to DMN, struggling to understand the DMN 1.0 spec, I wondered the same thing. The spec was (and remains) largely impenetrable to decision modelers, except for the example model in Chapter 11. That example has a BKM attached to every decision in the DRD, but for no obvious reason.

Helping the Mortgage Industry Go Digital

Fannie Mae is one of two major Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) underpinning the residential mortgage market in the USA. They supply liquidity to the system by purchasing mortgages from lenders and repackaging them as interest-paying securities sold to investors. Without them, we wouldn't have the low-rate long-term fixed rate loans that so many home buyers depend on. Recently Fannie published a white paper titled "Without Data Standards, the Mortgage Industry Doesn't Go Digital.

DMN, Meet Machine Learning

While DMN adoption continues to accelerate, we can only admire the current frenzied interest in machine learning. Both technologies are trying to do similar things - make decisions - but they go about it in very different ways. DMN, which evolved from business rules and, before that, expert systems, is based on intuitive understanding of the logic. Decision modelers are assumed to be subject matter experts. On the other hand, machine learning - formerly called predictive analytics or data mining and now marketed as "

Matrix Operations in DMN

DMN is excellent at working with tables of data. Such a table in DMN is called a relation. A relation is defined as a list of rows with a specific number of named columns. The number of rows in a DMN relation is unspecified. Most decision models work with tables in this form. But what if you want your DMN model to work with numeric tables having an unspecified number of columns and rows?

Practical DMN: The Basics

Practical DMN: The Basics Want to learn DMN decision modeling without training? DMN Method and Style, 2nd edition is a good place to start. But to really learn it, you need to go beyond books. You need to get your hands dirty in a tool. I suggest starting with a free trial of Trisotech DMN Modeler. When you log in, go to the EU-Rent repository (File/Open/EU-Rent) and open the model called EU-Rent Pricing.

Updated Kindle Editions

My luck with publishing for Kindle has not been good. Most of my books' negative comments on Amazon are specific to Kindle issues, but since the paper and Kindle versions are linked, it reflects badly on the books overall. My first book BPMN Method and Style tried to use the original Kindle reflowable format. Even though I spent dozens of hours trying to make the graphics look good, the Kindle format itself rendered them at too low a resolution to be useful.

DMN Method and Style 2nd Edition Now Available

The link is As I posted recently, the second edition is completely rewritten and updated to DMN 1.2. The examples are all executable and the book follows closely my updated DMN Method and Style Basics (available now) and Advanced (about a week away) training. It's just gone up today, and looking lonely with zero reviewers. So please, if you like it, post a review on Amazon.

DMN Method and Style 2nd Edition

In any emerging area it is possible to be too early, and with DMN Method and Style, published in 2016, I plead guilty to that. It seemed like a good idea at the time. DMN 1.1 was finalized, and the bugs that had prevented implementation of DMN 1.0 were fixed. But it's one thing to have a standard be implementable and quite another for real tools actually to implement it. The best tool at that time didn't support BKMs or proper decision table syntax or FEEL, and it couldn't execute everything it could model.

Updated DMN Training Released Today

Today we released our completely revised and updated DMN Method and Style Basics training and certification, based on DMN 1.2 with the latest build of Trisotech DMN Modeler, including decision services, glossary, model import, and more. Price is the same, $695 including 60-day use of the tool and post-class certification. Click here to register. Here are the details: DMN Method and Style Basics DMN Method and Style Basics provides business users with hands-on instruction in the use of DMN, the Decision Modeling and Notation standard.

5 Decision Service Usage Patterns

One of the most significant aspects of DMN 1.2 is the establishment of decision services as an important and useful feature of the standard. Decision services existed previously but offered little practical utility other than demarking units of execution within a DRD. Today that is just one of five distinct usage patterns for DMN decision services. Usage Pattern 1: As a unit of deployment Perhaps the most important use of decision services is not even mentioned in the spec, but it is implicit in DMN's architecture and a major theme of DMN Cookbook.