Uniting Process Architecture and Execution

By |2016-12-29T13:40:19-08:00April 22nd, 2010|BPMS|

BPA and BPM Suites have long been ships passing in the night.  A few BPMS vendors, like Oracle and IBM, have made efforts to integrate BPA with executable processes, but even there the fact that BPA and BPMS tools are based on different process metamodels has made roundtripping less than ideal.  Appian and Mega have [...]

The Beginning of the End in BPM?

By |2016-12-29T13:40:19-08:00January 11th, 2010|BPMN, BPMS|

This morning Progress Software announced the acquisition of Savvion for $49 Million.  On the heels of last month's acquisition of Lombardi by IBM, I think it's safe to say this marks a real turning point in the market for BPMS.  To me it is a disquieting one, as it suggests the failure of BPM's "business [...]

IBM Buys Lombardi (it was bound to happen…)

By |2016-12-29T13:40:20-08:00December 16th, 2009|BPMN, BPMS|

IBM left a voicemail at 4:58am today about a 6am briefing to announce the acquisition of Lombardi.  Thanks for the heads up, guys!  Sandy Kemsley does her usual great job with the briefing play-by-play, which I would describe as predictably unrevealing, except for the fact that Lombardi will be brought into WebSphere/AIM instead of being [...]

BPMN vs BPEL: The Debate Goes On (Sigh)

By |2016-12-29T13:40:20-08:00December 2nd, 2009|BPMN, BPMS|

I should have known that disputing Michael Rowley's contention that mapping BPMN to BPEL was "simpler" than a straight BPMN 2.0 solution would invite a further response.  Two, actually, one from Michael and another from Frank Leymann.  Hmmm.  In a room with those two, I'm at best the third smartest guy.  But unlike the "stacker-bashing" [...]

BPMN vs BPEL: Are We Still Debating This?

By |2016-12-29T13:40:20-08:00November 19th, 2009|BPMN, BPMS|

Active Endpoints' Alex Neihaus points me to a post by his CTO Michael Rowley entitled "Which is simpler: BPMN or BPEL?"  I'm groaning before I even read it, because I know where Michael is headed.  Right off a cliff, in my view. Their product ActiveVOS is one of the first to support BPMN 2.0 diagrams, [...]

Teamworks 7 BPMS Report

By |2009-10-30T16:02:34-07:00October 30th, 2009|BPMS|

Lombardi's Teamworks 7 adds a wealth of features tosupport massive reuse of process artifacts across multiple projects in various stages of development and maintenance. My latest BPMS Report takes a close look at Lombardi's brand new offering.

Appian 6 Released

By |2016-12-29T13:40:20-08:00October 13th, 2009|BPMS|

Two weeks ago Appian launched version 6 of its BPMS, along with a rebooted online collaboration network called Appian FORUM and a suite of professional services offerings.  Appian plays in the human-centric business-empowered end of the BPMS vendor landscape along with Lombardi and Savvion.  With all the vendors now claiming ease of use, Appian's new [...]

Case Management White Paper

By |2009-08-05T11:43:19-07:00August 5th, 2009|BPMS|

I just finished a white paper on case management for Global 360, whose Case360 product comes the closest to my own view of what case management is all about.  Click here to download the report.  If you are interested in that topic, you might want to subscribe to my BPMN Case Management site, www.bpmncase.com.

Lombardi Opens Up Blueprint

By |2016-12-29T13:40:20-08:00July 13th, 2009|BPMN, BPMS|

Well, sort of...  By that I mean you can export a BPMN diagram from your Blueprint account to your desktop and import it into another BPMN tool, like Process Modeler for Visio, the tool I use in my BPMessentials training, or BizAGI (see screenshot).  After months of my nagging Lombardi about the need for this, it [...]

BPMN Method and Style – 2-Day Class in San Francisco

By |2016-12-29T13:40:21-08:00May 29th, 2009|BPMN, BPMS|

I finally shipped the book off to the printer yesterday!  Wow, why does the last 5% take 50% of the time?  Not certain how long before it ships, but June almost for sure. I've been using the new levels-based method and style approach in private classroom training for the past couple months.  I think it [...]


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